We want to share profit with you while you help your fellow entrepreneurs. For each shipment your friend ships with us you will get up to 10% commission from profit.
Earn from network
Recommend to a business owner or person within the organization to ship with Maxton Shipping using
your unique referral link
Refer a Business
Your referred person leaves his contact via your unique referral link. Our staff gets in touch with a proposal.
We Contact the Referral
Your referred business ships with Maxton Shipping
Your Friend Ships
You receive profit share on shipments every time your referred contact send
You Earn
Join our team worldwide
We operate on 6 continents, guaranteeing real-time freight visibility and operative logistics management 24/7. Our objective is to assist you in achieving your business goals.
If you’re ready to become a part of our exciting team, click the button below to view current openings